The head of this meeting was an old man, a little senile, but he still sat there as a symbol of their cult. Like the Royals, he inherited his position. His family have been rulers of this cult for a long time.
His money, and his loyal followers allowed him to rule, they all knew their place.
Their work was to ensure that their money making schemes, their reasons, their secular values were enforced and adhered to by the masses so that they could influence political decisions ensuring their longer hold over the people.
They needed to be in charge at all times. They also needed to survive.
Noah’s tablets had jeopardized the flow of their agenda and put doubt into their minds to their future agendas and their survival.
They needed to know the future to ensure that their agendas were safe from collapse.
Now only one man, Euan McAllister holds the key to unlock the secret of the future events and their failures and successes. What will they do?
What is the future for their cult and for the people of 21st Century?